Friday, December 9, 2011

Let's end hunger!

Dear friends and fans-  Please help my friend Manuel Claros raise money for the WFP USA here in DC, He created this campaign for this cause!  Click the link below to find out more and help him out!

This campaign is to raise funds to help WFP USA in their fight to make hunger history. Your donation is important!
Wouldn't be nice to donate one day of your expenses on food to people in need? Today I spent $30 on my meals, tomorrow I will eat ramen noodles and donate $30 to help fighting hunger in Africa. This campaign is to raise funds to help in the fight against hunger, to make hunger history and to help the next generation to thrive and live a productive healthy life.
Your donation will contribute to helping reach the United Nations Millenium development goals of cutting hunger and poverty by half and reducing childhood mortality by two thirds of the rates observed in 1990 by 2015. Donate today!