Sunday, January 9, 2011


Well, I have been just posting a lot of fashion today huh. One thing I have noticed on the European sites and retailers is the baggy crotch jeans, and sweat pants.. I really hope to god these do not come to the USA!! those can stay in Europe we don't need those over here. take a look at the pics you will wonder why I say that. This is defiantly a fashion NO NO, It just looks like your carrying around a large poo of a diaper in your pants!

1 comment:

  1. These will be here in about 5 years depending upon the country...UK is about 3 and France (Paris) is 5+ years. As a girl, I'm pro-button fly. It's easier on the teeth than zippers. I recommend Levi's 501's original, SHRINK-TO-FIT, Indigo. The more you wash and wear them--the more they (ahem) conform.
