I'm only writing this because I care!! HAHA.. read on guy's and gal's
Handling Equipment-The reason we all go to the gym is to use the equipment, Are you capable of using the different machines? if not you really don't want to look like a gimp on the machine trying to figure it out, ask someone at the front desk or a trainer walking around for help ONLY, don't rely on the people working out next to you, they might know the RIGHT way to use it either.
Returning weights-When ever you use weights or plates, return them to where they go! The trainers walking around are there to train not pick up after your lazy ass!
Don't HOG machines-Being a member of a gym means it's a little community inside there and everyone gets to use the machines, plan your routine before you go out on the floor and decide ahead of time what your gonna work on. rest, repeat and move on! if your doing super duper sets, tell the persons your gonna be there a bit longer.
Wipe Machines-Image walking up to a machine just used by some gross sweaty person that left their sweat beads from their head and down there cause they have on a jock strap.. GROSS. you don't want to be that guy! if you happen to sweat all over the place, get a disposable wipe and clean it up, or use a towel to sit on and put your head on!
Limit yourself-Working out on the cardio machines time yourself out for 20-30 mins, there might be a reservation list might be up at the front desk.
Don't drop the weights-
Straight to it.
Talking/conversationThe gym isn't a social club, if you want that, go to your bath house or wait for the night and meet at the bars. Conversations should be kept short and brief and limited to resting periods in between sets. Don't initiative conversations with people with headphones, they obviously don't want to chat. if your resting, don't break on a machine, other people want to use it.
Getting hit on-It is true the gym is the best place to meet people, I have met tons of people there. But the people are there to get fit, not meet and go on dates with every person they meet. Also try not to stare at someone for long periods of time it makes people uneasy!!
Body odor-There are some people who Wreak of odor and it just its NASTY. shower or wear deodorant. if you know you smell shower before you go on the floor and after. It helps to not get dirty looks from people and maybe even kicked out of the gym for bad hygiene.
Clothing-Dress in gym wear, don't wear Spandex biker shorts guys, people don't want to see the outline of your penis, wear gym shorts over those! and don't wear jeans or street clothes, no dirty shoes with mud.
Mirrors-Don't walk in front of the mirrors, people are using those to look at them selves to see their form, and to get their stance right. if you notice people are just looking at themselves then it's OK.