ME: So tell me Where were you born and raised?
EE: I was born in Salisbury, MD and raised in Gumboro, Delaware.
ME: I'm being a little nosey, but I know you but I don't know you, Where do you work, What do you do?
EE: Currently, I work for FLIK International as a catering assistant. My background consists of a melting pot of jobs over the years. I’ve been a cashier, I’ve been a furniture delivery and repossession guy in the rent to own business, I’ve been a customer service manager, an associate trainer, I’ve been a hospitality and event coordinator with facilities maintenance mixed in. And now I’m on the search for my next profession change.
ME: Name three people dead or alive that you would want to meet.
EE: Fred Mercury, Lady Gaga, DJ Paulo!
ME: So it seems like you know everyone in DC at least in the gay community! and I have told you over and over I think you should be named King of 17th St. How do you stay so level headed in this community where their is so much drama, and hate towards each other.
ME: Your house party's are known around DC as the place to go. as we know your partys got so big you had to move your bday party to Efn Lounge, Drunkin messes your mixes playing, crowds on the street, cops showing up. Always fun. When is your next party! and would there be a theme?
ME: Would you say that your Djing is still in an infant stage (Side project) that you just do to stay busy or would you like to do it full time!? and when are your nexts gigs?
EE: Yes, I would have to say that my Dj’ing is still in it’s infant stage. It’s been a hobby as far back as 2003 but I’m only now beginning to translate the hobby into a profession. I have so much left to learn but so far, critics say I’m not bad. I’ll take that as a compliment and continue to improve my skills. As for making it a full time profession, I don’t think that’s my future. I know I would enjoy it and have a blast doing it. However, there are too many obstacles in my life right now.
September 20, 2010 - Indigo at Tabaq Bistro
September 22, 2010- POZ at Green Lantern
September 24, 2010- XXX:Code at The Crucible
ME: what so far has been your most unsual venue to dj and BEST?
EE: I would have to say that the most unusual gig and also the best was XXX:Code at The Crucible. It was the most unusual because I’d never been there before and it was a leather/gear fettish party similar to the annual Black Party in NYC except a little more subdued. What made it the best, however, is because I had to opportunity to play very dark and tribal house. It’s rare to have an opportunity to spin an event where that kind of music is perfect and I really like to play that stuff. Rule #1 of DJ’ing: Play the crowd.
ME: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
EE: I see myself having a more professional job again, buying my first home, hopefully coupled again…..I’ve been single for a long time but I’m waiting for love to find me. I’ve chased after boys for years and I’m not doing in anymore.
ME: Tell us something we don't know about you, that we maybe surprised to hear? (Talents, stories, jobs, anything) EE: Well, it’s not something I tell people because I’ve gotten funny looks for it in the past and even a few “EEEeeeeews”. But I know how to fix cars and do all of the work on my car. The idea of taking my car to a repair shop and handing out all that cash is disgusting to me.
ME: Being HIV poz in DC how have you come to terms with it and how do you handle it living in DC and some people still being ignorante towards it?
ME: would you call yourself an advocate for HIV and the gay community! what things have you done to help out the community.
Thank you Erik Evans, for taking the time for this and the photo shoot.
and be sure to check out Erik Dj'ing at the local night's in and around DC.